The biggest news this year is adding a JS track @ Web Summer Camp. It is imagined as an opportunity for frontend web professionals interested in JavaScript to participate in hands-on workshops spread over 3 days. Learn more in the blog posts.
*Web Summer Camp 2017 is sold out! Stay tuned for the next edition!
Workshop prerequisites
In order to actively participate in hands-on workshops, you need to bring your own laptop with a processor capable of hardware virtualization and at least 4 GB of RAM (8 GB is highly recommended). Regular hard disk will do, but having an SSD is an advantage. As for software requirements, you need to have the latest version of VirtualBox 5.x installed.
Please note that if your laptop is not capable of hardware virtualization and doesn’t meet the requirements, you will only be able to listen to the workshops, but you will not be able to participate hands-on in the workshops and get the maximum value out of it.
If you will still be having problems with your setup, our Help Desk crew will be there on August 29, 18:00-19:30 to sort out any last minute issues.
DAY 0 – Tuesday, Aug 29 | |
18:30 - 19:30 | Help Desk / Hanging OutA special Help Desk for PHP, eZ, and JS tracks will be organized, with hanging out over complimentary welcome drinks. Hanging out will be held in front of the conference halls (one floor below reception). Help Desk will be organized in one of the halls. |
DAY 1 – Wednesday, Aug 30 | |
7:30 - 8:30 |
Morning recreationIn a few words: easy-going, fun, and recreational. Go for a swim early in the morning and start the day afresh. |
8:00 - 9:20 | Registration & Coffee HangoutIn front of the conference halls (one floor below reception). |
9:20 - 9:30 | Shortest Opening Keynote Ever |
9:30 - 12:45 (coffee break 11:00-11:15) |
They came for the offline-first, but they stayed for the performance (Intermediate)by Jason Lengstorf There's a big push for offline-first development, with a new buzzword — "Progressive Web App", or PWA — making the rounds for the last year or two. But a lot of what's being said sounds like the coding equivalent of "eat your vegetables!" What's in it for ME? Quite a bit, it turns out. In this talk, Jason will share the surprising ways online apps will see huge benefits when they're built to support offline users. Learn how to ace the Lighthouse test with just a few simple changes and how you can easily create offline-first apps with just a few lines of code; also how going offline-first will improve the connected experience, including better performance, increased stability and reliability, improved user experience, and more! So, in addition to eating your vegetables — you know, making your web apps usable for people with slow and unreliable connections or whatever — you'll ALSO see your apps get even better for connected users. And all with minimal development effort required. |
12:45 - 13:45 | LunchRestaurant On, across the conference halls (one floor below reception). |
13:45 - 17:00 (coffee break 15:15-15:30) |
Universal JS web applications with React (Basic)by Luciano Mammino Since we started seeing JS on the server side, the developers' dream has been to reduce the gap and the cost of switch between frontend and backend. Today with Node.js, React, and a whole ecosystem of tools, this dream is becoming true! In this workshop, Luciano is going to discuss Universal (a.k.a. Isomorphic) JS and present some practical examples regarding the major patterns related to routing, data retrieval, and rendering. He will use Node, React, webpack, Babel, and React Router, and give you a series of examples to get you started easily with this new technology trend. |
20:00 |
All Aboard DinnerJoin us for dinner at the wonderful Oleander restaurant next to the Hotel Eden pool and the romantic promenade. Enjoy the lovely ambience of the restaurant's terrace in the pleasant company of other participants and companions. Dinner is in the ticket price. Do not forget to wear your websc pass at all times. |
DAY 2 – Thursday, Aug 31 | |
7:30 - 8:30 |
Morning recreationIn a few words: easy-going, fun, and recreational. Go for a swim or a run early in the morning and start the day afresh. |
8:30 - 9:30 | Coffee HangoutIn front of the conference halls (one floor below reception). |
9:30 - 12:45 (coffee break 11:00-11:15) |
Working with JavaScript module systems (Intermediate)by Marijn Haverbeke You'll be walking through the history of the way people have been managing dependencies in JavaScript, taking a look at how the various approaches work and why they were invented. The focus will be on "modern" module systems – CommonJS and ES6 modules – and how and when to use these without destroying your debugging experience or page-load speed. |
12:45 - 13:45 | LunchRestaurant On, across the conference halls (one floor below reception). |
13:45 - 17:00 (coffee break 15:15-15:30) |
Supercharged React Native development with Shoutem (Intermediate)by Željko Rumenjak & Domagoj Rukavina React Native is an awesome technology for building native mobile apps. However, creating an app still remains a cumbersome task. Did we reach the maximum of development efficiency? Shoutem designed an architecture to eliminate all the boilerplate steps when building an app with its open-sourced plugins, cloud storage, and automated publishing of app to both stores. In this workshop, Tomislav will show you how to create and publish a unique production-ready application. |
17:00 - 18:00 | Web BattleUnconference session – a participant-driven meeting where anyone who wants to present a topic can claim a brief time to do so. A special award awaiting the highest-rated speaker! |
20:00 |
All Aboard DinnerJoin us for dinner at the wonderful Oleander restaurant next to the Hotel Eden pool and the romantic promenade. Enjoy the lovely ambience of the restaurant's terrace in the pleasant company of other participants and companions. Dinner is in the ticket price. Do not forget to wear your websc pass at all times. |
DAY 3 – Friday, Sep 1 | |
7:30 - 8:30 |
Morning recreationIn a few words: easy-going, fun, and recreational. Go for a swim or a run early in the morning and start the day afresh. |
8:30 - 9:30 | Coffee HangoutIn front of the conference halls (one floor below reception). |
9:30 - 12:45 (coffee break 11:00-11:15) |
Web of Things – Peer to Peer Web (Intermediate)by Princiya Marina Sequeira The web today is a growing universe. Over the years, web technologies have evolved to give web developers the ability to create new generations of useful web experiences. One such feature is WebRTC, which provides browsers and mobile applications with Real Time Communication (RTC) capabilities via simple JavaScript APIs. In this hands-on workshop you will learn to build applications to support real time communication on the web. You will build an app to get video and take snapshots with your webcam and share them peer-to-peer via WebRTC. Along the way, you'll learn how to use the core WebRTC APIs and set up a messaging server using Node. |
12:45 - 13:45 | LunchRestaurant On, across the conference halls (one floor below reception). |
13:45 - 17:00 (coffee break 15:15-15:30) |
Building a better login with the credential management API (Basic)by James Allardice Login pages are probably the single type of page that users on the web interact with more than any other. In recent years the sign in experience has changed with the advent of federation via social networks, but whether a user has to type an email address and password or click a link and be redirected via Facebook, the process still interrupts the journey. The Credential Management API, a new W3C standard designed by Mike West at Google, is an attempt to help streamline this process at the user agent level. This workshop will investigate the new API and explore how we can use it to progressively enhance customer journeys in the apps we build. |
17:00 - 18:00 | Knowing It AllClosing keynote by Rachel Andrew Rachel has been a web developer for over 20 years. Things have changed almost beyond recognition since she first sat down at a computer to figure out how to build a website. However some things haven’t changed, and perhaps in those things can be found a way to navigate all of the new things, to assess new technology, and to make the right decisions for the projects we work on. |
20:00 |
Closing Dinner & RaffleSpend the last #websc evening dining in company of other participants and companions in a vibrant and colorful atmosphere of a Mexican restaurant La Concha. Mingle, sip Coronas or have a few shots of tequila, and enjoy tasty Mexican specialties. Also, everybody has a chance to participate in a raffle – you might just win. Dinner is in the ticket price. Do not forget to wear your websc pass at all times. |
DAY 4 - Saturday, Sep 2 | |
10:00 - 16:00 |
Boat TripAfter 3 days of learning and improving your skills, you deserve a relaxing day at the boat trip with lunch on board! Boat trip is complimentary. Do not forget to wear your websc pass at all times. |

Marijn Haverbeke
Marijn is an independent programmer and author based in Berlin. His main contributions have been the book Eloquent JavaScript and major work on open-source projects like CodeMirror, Acorn, and the Rust compiler.

Jason Lengstorf
Jason is a developer, designer, author, and friendly bear. He's worked in nearly every role in an agency and uses his 14+ years of experience to offer a unique, cross-functional approach to solving complex problems. He lives in Austin, TX, spends most of his disposable income on food and travel, and can often be spotted in the forest foraging for nuts and berries.

Princiya Marina Sequeira
Princiya is a software engineer at Zalando extremely passionate about JavaScript. She loves to speak at conferences, network with people, motivate and mentor them.

Luciano Mammino
Planet 9 Energy
Luciano is a software engineer born in 1987, the same year that the Nintendo released Super Mario Bros in Europe, which, by chance is his favourite game. His primary passion is code and he is extremely fascinated by the web, smart apps, and everything that's creative, like music, art, and design.

James Allardice
James is a senior engineer with several years of experience in building single page web apps with Node.js and a variety of front-end technologies. He's currently enjoying building React apps and libraries. In his spare time, he enjoys answering tricky questions on Stack Overflow where he's built up a reputation as a JavaScript expert.

Željko Rumenjak
Software Architect at Shoutem with a focus on developing modular mobile applications. In his spare time, he enjoys travelling, trail running, and playing board games with friends.

Domagoj Rukavina
Frontend Developer at Shoutem working on the Shoutem Builder. Currently in love with everything React.