Closing Keynote
It seems that there is an ever increasing number of things that web developers need to know about. A new JavaScript framework seems to appear every week, and just as we learned Flexbox – CSS Grid came along! Every time we think we have made a decision on which technology to learn and use, someone will tell us we should be learning something else. And we’re expected to be experts in accessibility, UX, performance, SEO, marketing… The list seems endless!
Rachel has been a web developer for over 20 years. Things have changed almost beyond recognition since she first sat down at a computer to figure out how to build a website. However some things haven’t changed, and perhaps in those things can be found a way to navigate all of the new things, to assess new technology, and to make the right decisions for the projects we work on.

Rachel Andrew
Rachel is a front and backend web developer, author, and speaker. She has been working on the web since 1996 and writing about the web for almost as long – her books include the recent Get Ready for CSS Grid Layout. Rachel is also is co-founder of the CMS Perch, a Google Developer Expert, and an Invited Expert to the CSS Working Group.